Source code for dcbench.tasks.budgetclean.problem

import warnings
from typing import Any, Mapping

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from dcbench.common import Problem, Result, Solution
from dcbench.common.artifact import ArtifactSpec, CSVArtifact

from .common import Preprocessor

[docs]class BudgetcleanSolution(Solution): artifact_specs: Mapping[str, ArtifactSpec] = { "idx_selected": ArtifactSpec(artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="") }
[docs]class BudgetcleanProblem(Problem): artifact_specs: Mapping[str, ArtifactSpec] = { "X_train_dirty": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description=( "Features of the dirty training dataset which we need to clean. " "Each dirty cell contains an embedded list of clean " "candidate values.", ), ), "X_train_clean": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="Features of the clean training dataset where each dirty value " "from the dirty dataset is replaced with the correct " "clean candidate.", ), "y_train": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="Labels of the training dataset." ), "X_val": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="Feature of the validtion dataset which can be used to guide " "the cleaning optimization process.", ), "y_val": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="Labels of the validation dataset." ), "X_test": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description=( "Features of the test dataset used to produce the final evaluation " "score of the model.", ), ), "y_test": ArtifactSpec( artifact_type=CSVArtifact, description="Labels of the test dataset." ), } task_id: str = "budgetclean"
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls): for scenario_id in cls.scenario_df["id"]: yield cls.from_id(scenario_id)
[docs] @classmethod def from_id(cls, scenario_id: str): pass
[docs] def solve(self, idx_selected: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Solution: # Construct the solution object as a Pandas DataFrame. idx_selected_df = None if isinstance(idx_selected, pd.DataFrame): idx_selected_df = pd.DataFrame( {"idx_selected": idx_selected.iloc[:, 0].values} ).astype("bool") elif isinstance(idx_selected, list): idx_selected_df = pd.DataFrame({"idx_selected": idx_selected}).astype( "bool" ) else: raise ValueError( "The provided idx_selected object must be either a list or a DataFrame." ) # Check if the content of the solution object is valid. X_train_dirty = self["X_train_dirty"] if len(X_train_dirty) != len(idx_selected_df): raise ValueError( "The number of elements of the provided solution object must be the " "same as for the training dataset. (expected: %d, found: %d)" % (len(X_train_dirty), len(idx_selected_df)) ) num_selected = idx_selected_df["idx_selected"].sum() budget = int(self.attributes["budget"] * len(X_train_dirty)) if num_selected > budget: raise ValueError( "The number of selected data examples is " "higher than the allowed budget. " "(expected: %d, found: %d)" % (budget, num_selected) ) if num_selected < budget: warnings.warn( "The number of selected data examples is below the allowed budget. " "(expected: %d, found: %d)" % (budget, num_selected) ) # Construct and return a solution object. solution = BudgetcleanSolution.from_artifacts({"idx_selected": idx_selected_df}) solution.attributes["problem_id"] = self.container_id for k, v in self.attributes.items(): solution.attributes[k] = v return solution
[docs] def evaluate(self, solution: BudgetcleanSolution) -> "Result": # Load scenario artifacts. X_train_dirty = self["X_train_dirty"] X_train_clean = self["X_train_clean"] y_train = self["y_train"] X_val = self["X_val"] y_val = self["y_val"] X_test = self["X_test"] y_test = self["y_test"] # Replace lists with None values. def clearlists(x): if isinstance(x, list): return None return x X_train_dirty = X_train_dirty.applymap(clearlists) # Load solution artifacts. idx_selected = solution["idx_selected"]["idx_selected"] # Determine the solution training datasets. X_train_solution = X_train_dirty.mask(idx_selected, X_train_clean) # Fit data preprocessor. preprocessor = Preprocessor(), y_train) # Preprocess the data. X_train_solution, y_train = preprocessor.transform(X_train_solution, y_train) X_train_dirty = preprocessor.transform(X_train_dirty) X_train_clean = preprocessor.transform(X_train_clean) X_val, y_val = preprocessor.transform(X_val, y_val) X_test, y_test = preprocessor.transform(X_test, y_test) # Train the solution, clean and dirty models. if self.attributes["model"] == "logreg": model_solution = LogisticRegression().fit(X_train_solution, y_train) model_dirty = LogisticRegression().fit(X_train_dirty, y_train) model_clean = LogisticRegression().fit(X_train_clean, y_train) elif self.attributes["model"] == "randomf": model_solution = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X_train_solution, y_train) model_dirty = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X_train_dirty, y_train) model_clean = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X_train_clean, y_train) else: raise ValueError("Unknown model attribute '%s'." % self.attributes["model"]) # Evaluate the model. result_dict = {} acc_val_solution = model_solution.score(X_val, y_val) acc_val_dirty = model_dirty.score(X_val, y_val) acc_val_clean = model_clean.score(X_val, y_val) result_dict["acc_val_gapclosed"] = (acc_val_solution - acc_val_dirty) / ( acc_val_clean - acc_val_dirty ) acc_test_solution = model_solution.score(X_test, y_test) acc_test_dirty = model_dirty.score(X_test, y_test) acc_test_clean = model_clean.score(X_test, y_test) result_dict["acc_test_gapclosed"] = (acc_test_solution - acc_test_dirty) / ( acc_test_clean - acc_test_dirty ) result_dict = {**result_dict, **solution.attributes} return pd.Series(result_dict, name=solution.container_id)